House Flies ( Common Housefly ) Control
Flies have been a major nuisance to humans and animals for thousands of years. Many transmit disease causing organisms and are linked directly to typhoid, cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, hookworms and tapeworms.
Most flies have filthy habits that make them efficient disease transmitters. Disease causing organism are picked up by flies from garbage, sewage, rotting debris, dead animal carcasses, animal excrement, etc and are directly transmitted to us by way of their mouthparts or througn their vomit or feces to our food, our food preparation surfaces, our sanitary items and to almost anything that we contact.
Single pair of membranous wings; hind wings modified as halteres; suctorial mouthparts, piercing or non-piercing; large compound eyes; tarsi, 5 segmented; metamorphosis complete with egg, larval, pupal and adult stages.
Types of Housefly
There are thousands of different species of flies but the most common fly problems are caused by:
Houseflies The house fly is the most common fly found throughout the World. ldentifying marks include several dark gray stripes along the upper body (prothorax). The house fly is gray to brownish in color and can be easily confused with the face fly. House flies undergo a complete life cycle with eggs, larvae, pupae and adults.
The house fly is commonly found in in almost all dwelling occupied by humans or animals.. The fly is a very fast breeder with the female laying up to 150 eggs at a time on 5 -6 day intervals. House fly populations can literally explode in just a few short weeks. Egg are commonly laid in rotting garbage. organic matter, etc. The complete house fly life cycle can complete itself in as little as 3-5 days with adult flies living on average for up to 1 -2 months. Several generations of flies can be produced in 1 season. Adults 1/4″ – 5/16″. Female houseflies lay 400-600 eggs in decaying matter or faeces which develop into maggot larvae. Attracted to any uncovered food or organic waste.
Stable Flies – Size: About 1/4 inch long, the identity of the Stable Fly is sometimes confused with the House Fly. Are known for their bites, they are also called “biting flies”. They bite people, livestock, pets and other mammals. The bites may feel like a needle stab. Most bites occur around the ankles and lower parts of the legs. Stable flies are very persistent when searching for a blood meal.

Areas where found & local habitates
- All unclean kitchens in Hotels. Restaurants, Houses, …. etc
- Labors Camps.
- Sewage System.
- Agricultural and Animal Farms.
- Vegetables, Fish and Meat Markets.
- Slaughter houses – because of animal wastes, smell of blood and other animal body fluids & remaining wastes of animal body parts
- Garbage Bins, one of the major resting places for flies.
Hygiene/management, How to keep flies away (Prevention- Cultural Methods)
Satisfactory hygiene is necessary to limit potential breeding sites and, to some extent, you can prevent fly activity by minimizing food sources and larval habitat:
- Always cover food- flies spread diseases by landing on food.
- Clear away food and liquid spillages immediately.
- Clean food debris from under kitchen appliances.
- Make sure all rubbish bins have tightly sealed lids.
- Keep compost enclosed and covered.
- Clean up after pets – animal droppings are very attractive landing and breeding spots for flies.
- Ensure drains and gutters are clear, free of debris and running.-
- Eliminate standing water in containers. (e.g. tires, flower pots)
- Change water in birdbaths and fountains each week.
- Close windows and doors or block light with curtains.
- Fit fine-mesh screens to windows, especialy around kitchen and garbage areas.
IPM ( integrated Pest Management ) Flies Control Plan.
Housefly control will be achieved following strong IPM tools and techniques especially in view of its peculiar behavior and resting habits of sitting on food and filthy materials by living very closeproximity to humans and food processing sites as well as on dead and decaying animal and plant wastes. Since houseflies are declared as a mechanical vectors of various pathogens causing food poisoning in humans control of houseflies will be given more emphasize for application of safer products on site. In this program IPM based novel products and application techniques will be employed to keep fly populations at low levels in breeding sites especially on garbage containers and in public utility places using new active ingredient based formulations.
Fly adults Control.
1. Survey and Inspection.
2. Non chemicals control (Fly sheet, Fly Rolls, Fly Ribbon, Electrical Fly Killer-EFK`s,
Pheromone Trap)
3. Chemicals Control (with low Toxicity products) with ULV-MIST (Open area), Killing
bait, Paint and Residual Spray.
Fly Larvae Control.
1. Survey and Inspections.
2. Proper Waste Management.
3. Treatment of Monitored breeding sits with IGR.